About the Client
- State government serving 3,000,000+ constituents
- Employs 31,000
- Department of Finance and Administration – 400 agency employees
Project Statistics
- Implementation of SAP 7.2
- Finance, CRM, SRM, SUS, Grant Mgmt., Asset Mgmt.
- Duration: August 2011 through March 2014
- Number of resources:
- 3 change management practitioners
- 19 curricula developers
- 1 eLearning developer
- SAP Demand Optimization
- Tools: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and uPerform 5.1
Delivered Services
- Organizational Change Management and Communication which includes recommended knowledge transfer strategy and execution
- Project Management and customer advisory for training
- Collaborated with state team in the development of 365 simulations and work instructions
- Developed 47 customized instructor-led (ILT) courses in a classroom format
- Developed 15 eLearning courses
- Provided training to state identified Super-Users
- Delivery, installation, administration, and training of Ancile uPerform, an authoring and content management tool
The Teksoft Difference
- Quality and format of eLearning courses far exceeded customer expectations
- Teksoft team bonded extremely well with the state associates
- Embraced the goals and deadlines of the state
- Mentored additional training developers
Client Results
- On time
- On budget
- Five employees trained to develop eLearning